The John W. McCloskey Collection of Early US Coinage

被重新發現的來自於賀拉斯赫德收藏(Horace Hird Collection)的珍品錢幣

NC中國機制幣收藏(NC Collection)

派拉蒙收藏(Paramount Collection)

唐納德·G·派翠克珍藏集(Donald G. Partrick Collection)

艾瑞克·P·紐曼珍藏集(Eric P. Newman Collection)

中國現代幣赫拉克勒斯藏幣系列 (Hercules Collection)

The Lesher "Referendum Dollars"

Richmond Collection

沃特博多英國珍品硬幣珍藏集(The Waterbird Collection of Rare British Coins)

Blue Ridge Glass Corporation Pattern Cents

Hubert Lariviere Collection

Richard Stuart Collection


1715 Fleet Shipwreck Coins

McClure Collection
NGC鑒定幣登記並未由PCGS或CAC背書或者與它們關聯。PCGS是Collectors Universe, Inc.的註冊商標。CAC是 Certified Acceptance Corporation的商標。